Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Unit Test DP Mock paper 2

Persepolis: Mock DP Paper 2

MYP Language A Rubric / 30
Knowledge /10
Skill /10
Style and Mechanics /10

With each answer, you must discuss the effect of literary features.
Often, this discussion is effective when you explain how literary features shape or illuminate the theme of a work, though this is not the only option.

Answer one of the following

Double-space your writing

1)Consider the presentation in Persepolis of justice and/or crime.

2) Write an essay comparing your chosen authors’ presentation of one or more of the following in the society in which the set the action of their work: birth and childhood,courtship and marriage,dying and death.

3)“Some of the most famous heroines represent what men desire in women, but not necessarily what women are in themselves.” Consider Persepolis in light of this statement.

4) Society is increasingly preoccupied with different cultures within themselves. How far have two works you have studied given you imaginative insight into different cultural practices and their social consequences, or political conflicts?

5)“We often criticize others for what we hate about ourselves.” Consider Persepolis in light of this statement.

I will cut 2 questions on Monday, so you need to prepare 3 answers.